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Terms & Conditions

14. Take down notices

These Terms and Conditions form part of the full Terms and Conditions of services

  1. Any person who claims that a website is breaching their copyright privileges may serve a take down notice.
  2. A take down notice may be served on us by email at and shall be valid if it –
    1. Is clearly marked with a title stating the notice is intended to be a take down notice.
    2. Includes the name, geographical address and email address of the person, company or organisation serving the notice.
    3. Clearly identifies the material that is subject to the notice and provides sufficient information to enable us to locate it.
    4. Contains reasons why the material is in breach of a third party’s copyright privileges and the identity of the copyright holder.
    5. A statement that you acknowledge if the material is wrongly removed following your notice you understand you may be liable to damages from the website owner and/or the copyright holder.
    6. The notice is signed and dated.
  3. Upon receipt of a valid take down notice we shall
    1. remove or block access to the offending material or website
    2. provide a notice identifying the offending material that has been blocked or removed
    3. Provide a copy of the ‘take down notice ’to the person who is affected by the removal of material.
  4. If the take down notice is disputed by the person who the notice is served on, they can issue a counter notice and we may, at our sole discretion restore access to the material in question.
  5. Where any dispute arises it shall be for the person upon who a notice is served to prove ownership and not for us to disprove it.
  6. We shall not adjudicate in any dispute and it shall be for the Parties in dispute to engage in arbitration, mediation or seek a determination from a Court. We shall abide by and implement any determination of any dispute.