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Why BetterWebSpace Charge for Backups

Hosting at BetterWebSpace

We setup our packages with what we believe to be sensible values at honest and affordable prices, we try to provide great customer service around that (which we think we achieve!)

When BetterWebSpace was first set up, one of the biggest drivers was to stop us getting ripped-off for our own web hosting. There was a little extra for this, a little extra for that and it all soon mounted up!

Our policy is not to charge you for things that don't cost us time or money!

It really is that simple!

Backups are automated so don't cost us any time, but they do cost us both bandwidth to get the backups off the server and storage space, we store several revisions of backups and they contain everything to restore your account to a server (not just your files and email).

You'll probably find that there are other services arriving in the not too distant future that we charge for as well, but these will be things that we've been charged for as well.